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snippet: Demographic balance and crude rates by other typologies. Indic_de = 'GROWRT'.
summary: Demographic balance and crude rates by other typologies. Indic_de = 'GROWRT'.
extent: [[-63.0962372352534,-21.3873138270574],[55.8349841138114,71.1708895957794]]
accessInformation: © European Union, 2000-2016
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This includes the latest updates (or revised data) on total population, births and deaths reported by the countries, while the detailed breakdowns by various characteristics included in the rest of the tables of the domain may be transmitted to Eurostat at a subsequent date.
title: demosgrphic_balance_GROWRT
type: Map Service
tags: ["demographic","balance"]
culture: en-GB
name: demographic_balance
guid: 755C907F-7775-4268-8FD4-55BACDD08B21
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator