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snippet: Degree of Urbanisation of all LAU2s (Local Administrative Units - Level 2/municipalities)
summary: Degree of Urbanisation of all LAU2s (Local Administrative Units - Level 2/municipalities)
extent: [[-63.1535974999999,-21.3873095],[55.8366285000001,71.1848525]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This dataset contains areas by degree of urbanisation (revised definition, 2014). The degree of urbanisation classifies local administrative units (LAU2 with the exceptions of Malta and Denmark which are at LAU1 level) in Europe into three categories: thinly (rural), intermediate (towns and suburbs or small urban) and densely populated (cities or large urban) areas. The classification is based on a population distribution grid with raster cells of 1 sqkm size. Data are available for EU countries, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia and Iceland. The data is available at 1:100 000 resolution for internal commission users and a generalised 1:1 000 000 resolution is available to the public via the GISCO Dedicated Section on the Eurostat website.
title: UrbanRuralTypology
type: Map Service
tags: ["Eurostat","urbanisation","LAU2"]
culture: en-GB
name: UrbanRuralTypology
guid: 6100C39D-2CF6-4BD7-A709-267CCA8FD553
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator